
Oleander and Milkweed Family

Annual to perennial mostly evergreen herbs, vines, shrubs or trees, sometimes succulent and cactus-like; latex clear or white, usually glabrous; sap usually a milky or sometimes watery latex, often poisonous and sometimes a skin-irritant. Leaves usually opposite, rarely alternate, whorled, reduced or absent, simple, entire, sometimes glandular near base of lamina; stipules absent or reduced, colleters (i.e. multicellular hair that produces a sticky mucilaginous or resinous secretion) usually present at base of petiole. Inflorescence terminal or extra-axillary, cymose, thyrsoid or paniculiform, reduced to 1 or 2 flowers (e.g. in Vinca and Catharanthus). Flowers regular, bisexual; sepals usually 5, free or partly fused, often with basal glands; petals 5, fused into a tube at base, sometimes with a ring of scales in throat. Stamens and styles free or fused to form a gynostemium; stamens 5, inserted on corolla-tube or at base of corolla, alternating with lobes, without appendages or with appendages of 2 kinds, dorsal appendages collectively forming a corona, terminal appendages membranous, appressed to style head, filaments free or fused into a sheath around style and fused to it, anthers 2- or 4-celled, enclosed in corolla-tube or exserted, free, cohering to stigma or fused into a sheath and fused to style head, pollen grains separate or coherent, forming waxy pollinia, pollinia in pairs. Ovary superior or rarely half inferior, carpels 2, free or fused, placentation usually lateral or axile, ovules 2-numerous per carpel; style 1–2, apical portion of style expanded and highly modified, forming a head, secreting viscin, usually latitudinally differentiated into 3 zones (i.e. specialised for pollen deposition, viscin secretion, and pollen reception). Fruit a drupe, capsule, berry or follicle, often paired; seeds usually numerous, often flat and comose with long silky hairs.

Asclepiadaceae and Apocynaceae have traditionally been treated as separate families, but Asclepiadaceae here included within Apocynaceae. Asclepiadaceae is distinguished from Apocynaceae by having pollen aggregating into pollinia, style and stamens united into a gynostemium, and stamens that often have a corona. However, a continuum in floral morphology occurs between Apocynaceae and Asclepediaceae. This treatment follows Stevens, P.F. (2018, Angiosperm Phylogeny Website).

The family is well known in horticulture for a wide range of mainly subtropical and tropical climbers and shrubs, including Billygoat Weed (Catharanthus), Oleander (Nerium), Frangipani (Plumeria), Dipladenia (Mandevilla) and Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum).

About 400 genera and 4600 species, almost cosmopolitan but mainly in tropical and subtropical regions; 45 genera and 185 species in Australia.

Macroscopic characters to distinguish many of the genera are sometimes difficult to find, and to use the generic key it may be necessary to have flowers and fruit and a hand lens to examine floral parts.

Some species (all garden plants) have become widespread weeds in Australia, although mainly in extra-temperate areas. Most species are toxic if ingested, but there many that are edible, either raw or with a little preparation. The cultivated species generally have showy and often scented flowers, or interesting succulent stems, and extensive specialist collections may exist for particular genera, particularly Hoya and the succulent stapeliads. Some are important as host plants for Australian butterflies.

Codd (1963), Rosatti (1989), Bruyns & Forster (1991), Liede & Kunze (1993), Liede & Albers (1994), Meve & Liede (1994), Forster (1996a, 1996c), Judd et al (2016).

Source: Forster, P. (2002). Apocynaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Updated by: Val Stajsic, April 2018

Hero image
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Asteranae
order      Gentianales
Higher taxa
Subordinate taxa
genus        Acokanthera G.Don
genus        Adenium Roem. & Schult.
genus        Allamanda L.
genus        Alstonia R.Br.
genus        Alyxia R.Br.
genus        Amsonia Walt.
genus        Araujia Brot.
genus        Asclepias L.
genus        Beaumontia Wall.
genus        Carissa L.
genus        Cascabela Raf.
genus        Catharanthus G.Don
genus        Cerbera L.
genus        Ceropegia L.
genus        Chonemorpha G.Don
genus        Dischidia R.Br.
genus        Hoya R.Br.
genus        Huernia R.Br.
genus        Mandevilla Lindl.
genus        Marsdenia R.Br.
genus        Melodinus J.R. & G.Forst.
genus        Nerium L.
genus        Ochrosia Juss.
genus        Orbea Haw.
genus        Oxypetalum R.Br.
genus        Pachypodium Lindl.
genus        Parsonsia R.Br.
genus        Pentalinon Voigt
genus        Plumeria L.
genus        Stapelia L.
genus        Strophanthus D C.
genus        Tabernaemontana L.
genus        Trachelospermum Lem.
genus        Urceola Roxb.
genus        Vinca L.
genus        Wrightia R.Br.