The following people have contributed to HortFlora:
Rob Cross (general editing); Nik Hulse (advice on PBR); Geraldine Jones (computer support); Don Journet (collections of the PlantTrust - Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia); Niels Klazenga (HortFlora and image software); Brendon Lepschi (Curator Australian National Herbarium, Genera and species numbers for Australian taxa); Andre Messina (image software); Anne McLachlan (image preparation); Upul Molligoda (computer support); Anna Monro (Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, genera and species numbers for Australian taxa); Daniel Olsen (photographic software); David Sambrooks (image preparation); Val Stajsic (editing and writing of keys, descriptions, nomenclature); Sally Stewart (image management and image software); Frank Udovicic (general support, image software); Melinda Walker (update of specimens information, The Australian National University); Frank Xu (Living Collections Database reports).