Greek thrix – hair; pilion − a cap; the anther is concealed by a hairy cap.
Epiphytic herbs, sympodial, with short, creeping rhizomes. Stems thickened into variously shaped pseudobulbs, small, compressed, clustered, sheathed at base, green. Leaves apical, solitary, fleshy or leathery, folded. Inflorescences basal racemes, arching to pendent. Flowers resupinate, 1-several, large, showy, variously coloured but often white with yellow or reddish markings. Sepals and petals similar, narrow, twisted or with wavy margins, free. Labellum entire or 3-lobed, fused to base of column, base often funnel-shaped, tip often wavy, with or without a callus. Column long, slender, club shaped, fringed at tip. Pollinia 2, waxy, ovoid, with triangular stipe.
About 30 species from tropical C and S America.
The entire or 3-lobed column that is fringed at the tip.
Source: (2005). Orchidaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.