Passiflora Passion


Latin passio—passion, suffering, flos—flower, the structure of the flower being said to symbolise the crucifixion of Christ (the corona representing the thorns, anthers the wounds, styles the nails etc.).

Climbers with axillary tendrils. Leaves entire or palmately lobed or divided. Flowers axillary, unusual and spectacular, mostly bisexual. Corona of 1-several rings of threads or scales. Sepals and petals mostly extremely colourful; sepals fused, lobes coloured inside. Stamens 5(-10), fused at the base. Ovary on a long stalk with 3 styles having large tips. Fruit a leathery-coated many-seeded berry.

Grown for the spectacular colour and structure of the flowers. As an essentially tropical genus most species grow successfully in the region require grafting onto cold and disease-resistant stocks.

Several species have naturalised in Australia, mostly in warmer areas such as Queensland and northern New South Wales. Native species are rarely cultivated in the region: P. cinnabarina, Native Passion Flower from New South Wales south to Tasmania, has attractive red flowers while P. aurantia G. Forst. from NE New South Wales to N Queensland with white to pink or red flowers will grow in some areas to produce grape size fruit.

Seed, semi-hardwood cuttings and grafting.

There are about 50-60 edible species, the most popular in Australia being P. edulis. In the tropics the Granadilla, P. quadrangularis is widely cultivated. Other species are eaten in the West Indies and S American tropics but these are unlikely to grow in southern Australia even if grafted on cold-resistant stocks. The aromatic pulp of edible species is a popular flavouring for ices, foods and drinks and P. ×alato-caerulea has been used in perfumery.

About 500 species from tropical and subtropical America, Indomalesia, Madagascar (1) and Australia (3 native species).

Lawrence (1960 a & b), Green (1972), MacDougal (1994). Popular: Vanderplank (1991).

Source: Spencer, R.; Wheller, C.L. (1997). Passifloraceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Rosanae
order      Malpighiales
family       Passifloraceae
Higher taxa
Subordinate taxa
species         Passiflora caerulea L.
species         Passiflora coccinea Aubl.
species         Passiflora edulis Sims
species         Passiflora manicata (Juss.) Pers.