Perennial herb from a subterranean bulb; offsets present. Leaves 5-8, linear tapering, not white-striped. Inflorescence to about 80 cm; raceme cylindrical. Flowers numerous, flat cup-shaped, erect, to 5 cm wide; bracts short; spring. Tepals white or cream, unstriped; not reflexed at fruiting. Ovary black or purplishblack. Fruit erect.
Mediterranean Europe
Weedy in several states.
O. saundersiae Baker., Giant Chincherinchee, or Ivory Coast Lily from S Africa is a perennial herb from a subterranean bulb; offsets absent. Leaves 6-8, broadly linear tapering, not white-striped. Inflorescence to about 1 m; raceme triangular. Flowers numerous, flat cup-shaped, erect, to 2.5 cm wide; bracts short; spring.Tepals white or creamy, not striped; reflexed at fruiting.Ovary black to purplish-black. Fruit erect.
O. thyrsoides Jacq., Chincherinchee, from South Africa is a perennial herb from a subterranean bulb; offsets absent. Leaves 6-12, broadly linear tapering, ciliatemargined, not white striped. Inflorescence to about 50 cm; raceme triangular to spherical. Flowers numerous, flat cup-shaped, erect, to 4 cm wide; bracts short; spring. Tepals white, not striped; not reflexed at fruiting. Ovary green. Fruit erect. Weedy in some states
Source: (2005). Ledebouria. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.