Greek eu – true, good, charis – attraction, referring to the appealing blooms.
Perennial herbs with bulbs. Leaves evergreen with a distinct stalk and ovate-elliptic blade with longitudinal parallel veins, similar to those of Aspidistra. Flower clusters of 5-10 flowers with a stalk about as long as that of the leaves. Perianth regular with a narrow curved tube widening at the mouth, lobes oblong-ovate, white. Corona present with the stamens attached. Ovary 3-chambered, containing numerous ovules in vertical rows (rarely 2).
Grown for the large shiny leaves and attractive white flowers.
Bulb offsets or sometimes from seed.
Leaves broad on long distinct stalks; perianth lobes mostly waxy white.
17 species from Central America to Bolivia.
Source: (2005). Amaryllidaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.