After Otto Nagel, traveller and collector of Mexican orchids.
Epiphytic or terrestrial herbs, sympodial, with short creeping rhizomes. Stems terete or thickened into short, club shaped pseudobulbs, striate. Leaves apical, solitary, fleshy or leathery, lanceolate, folded when young, often with brown to purplish spots, stalkless. Inflorescences terminal racemes or panicles, erect or pendent. Flowers resupinate, few-many, small, pink to red. Sepals similar, not spreading widely, dorsal free, laterals joined to column foot forming a pouch. Petals smaller than sepals, free. Labellum simple or obscurely 3-lobed, joined to column, swollen or pouched at base, with or without a spur. Column slender, arching, 2-winged towards tip. Pollinia 4, waxy. Syn. Hartwegia Lindl.
2 species from Mexico and C America.
Small, simple, club-shaped pseudobulbs.
Withner (1998).
Source: (2005). Orchidaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.