Greek aer – air; eides – resembling; these plants appear to be able to survive on air.
Epiphytic or epilithic herbs, monopodial. Stems erect (at least initially), simple, lacking pseudobulbs, aerial roots abundant. Leaves in 2 ranks, strap-shaped or cylindrical, sheathing at base, notched at tip. Inflorescence axillary racemes, arching. Flowers resupinate, many, crowded, usually fragrant, white, often with coloured blotches. Sepals and petals similar, broad, spreading, the lateral sepals fused to the column foot. Labellum entire or 3-lobed, with a forward-pointing spur at base. Column short, usually with a long foot. Pollinia 2 on a single stipe.
About 40 species from India, Burma, SE Asia and Japan.
Many flowers in dense arching racemes; long column foot; forward - pointing spur at base of labellum.
Christenson (1993).
Source: (2005). Orchidaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.