Greek hemi — half, andra — stamens, referring to the single fertile cell of the stamen anthers.
Stiff shrubs. Leaves opposite, entire, with a needle point. Flowers axillary, solitary, bracts 2. Calyx 2-lipped or with 5 lobes. Corolla 2-lipped, upper lip shorter, 2-lobed, lower lip of 3 lobes, the middle one often notched. Stamens in 2 pairs, each stamen with 1 chamber and an appendage. Fruit nutlets roughsurfaced.
Seed and softwood cuttings.
Leaves needle-pointed; anthers with a tooth-like, downwardly projecting appendage.
About 14 species endemic to SW WA.
Source: (2002). Lamiaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.