Wiry scrambling shrub to about 2 m tall. Leaves with toothed leaflets. Flowers with petals pink or white; year round. Fruit capsule 2-lobed.
Grown in a range of pink and white, single and double flowers and a prostrate form. The following cultivars are listed but little is known of their origin.
A hybrid B. rubioides × B. sessiliflora with deep mauve flowers was introduced c. 1986.
var. microphylla (DC.) Benth. is scrambling, small-leaved and mostly white-flowered.
SA, Qld, NSW,Vic,Tas.
Source: (2002). Cunoniaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Flowers white. Int. c. 1986.
Bauera rubioides 'Candy Stripe'
Flowers with pink stripe. Int. c. 1987.
Habit prostrate.
, 'Rosea Plena Nana', 'Rosea Prostrata' and 'Ruby Glow' are also listed.