Commemorating Ferdinand Lukas Bauer 1760–1826 and his brother, Franz Andreas Bauer 1758–1840,
Small to medium shrubs with wiry stems. Leaves opposite, stalkless and each composed of 3 leaflets giving the appearance of a 6-leaved whorl; stipules absent. Flowers solitary, axillary, radially symmetrical, bisexual. Sepals 4-10, spreading, shortly united at the base. Petals 4-10, free, obovate, pink or white. Stamens 4-many, free; anthers with apical pores that extend into lateral slits.ovary superior or sometimes half-inferior, consisting of 2 fused carpels containing 2 chambers; styles 2, spreading. Fruit a dehiscent capsule sometimes appearing nut-like.
Grown for the unusual foliage and delicate pink or occasionally white flowers. Sometimes placed in its own family Baueraceae.
4 species endemic to Australia, occurring from alpine to temperate regions.
Seed, cuttings or layers.
Wiry-stemmed shrubs with opposite leaves, each of 3 leaflets, giving the appearance of a 6-leaved whorl.
Source: (2002). Cunoniaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.