Portland roses

Roses based on the cultivar 'Portlandica' and named after the second Duchess of Portland. The original was a hybrid between the Autumn Damask and R. gallica 'Officinalis' and Portlands have been known since 1792. They are similar to Gallica roses and form late-flowering, compact bushes just over 1 m tall and with strong flower colours. They were crossed with Chinas to produce the forerunners of the Hybrid Perpetual.

Source: Spencer, R. (2002). Rosaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Rosa 'Arthur De Sansal'

Flowers double, densely petalled, crimson-purple, fragrant. Parentage unknown, raised Cartier, France, 1855.

Rosa 'Comte De Chambord'

Foliage grey-green. Flowers double, quartered, deep pink, darker in the centre, strongly scented. 'Baronne PrÃĩvost' _ 'Portlandica', raised Moreau-Robert, France, 1863.

Rosa 'Delambre'

Flowers double, dark pink. Parentage unknown, raised Moreau-Robert, France, 1863.

Rosa 'Duchess Of Portland'

Flowers semi-double, cupped, red to maroon, fragrant, c. 1770.

Rosa 'Jacques Cartier'

Flowers deep pink, fading towards petal margins, fragrant. Parentage unknown, raised Moreau-Robert, France, 1868.

Rosa 'Madame Knorr'

Flowers semi-double, bright pink, fragrant. Parentage unknown, raised Verdier, France, 1855.

Rosa 'Marie De Saint Jean'

Flowers double, pure white, strongly fragrant. Parentage unknown, raised Damaizin, France, 1869.

Rosa 'Rose Du Roi À Fleurs Pourpres'

Reddish purple flowers over a long flowering season. Probably a sport of 'Rose du Roi', raised in 1819.

Rosa 'Rose Du Roi'

Flowers double, red, mottled purple, strongly scented. 'Portlandica' _ r. gallica var. officinalis. Raised Lelier, France, 1815. Sometimes classified as a Hybrid Perpetual.

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Rosanae
order      Rosales
family       Rosaceae
genus        Rosa L.