Trunk to 5 m or so tall, smooth and with narrow scars of shed fronds. Fronds to 3 m long, covered with many pressed-down hairs, the main axes with long, spreading hairs. Stalks slightly rough and with pale-edged scales. Segments widely spaced, lobed or round-toothed. Sori one per segment.
Needs shelter and warmth.
C & NE Qld.
Fronds in a sparse crown; long, widespreading hairs on axes; blade with closely pressed hairs above and velvety-hairy below.
Cyathea howeana Domin, Lord Howe Island Tree Fern, has thick fronds and may grow to 10 m or so with frond scars on the trunk and few scales at the base of the green (when alive) frond stalks; it does not have the close-pressed hairs on the upper surface of the blade.
Source: (1995). Cyatheaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 1, Ferns, conifers & their allies. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.