Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Rosea'

A pink-flowered form, also known in horticulture as e. leucoxylon var. rosea or var. macrocarpa-rosea or (dwarf). This variant breeds true except for flower colour and is morphologically distinct. Its origins are obscure and it can have no formal botanical status - even though it is one of the most widely planted and ornamental of the eucalypts. It has been confused with subsp. megalocarpa and subsp. petiolaris.However, the slender leaves less than 10 cm long and relatively large fruits with the sunken style base and alternate, hardly stalked juvenile leaves are distinctive. If a parent population could be found in the wild it could be given subspecific status.Until then it is best referred to as 'Rosea' or e. leucoxylon (pink-flowered).

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Rosanae
order      Myrtales
family       Myrtaceae
genus        Eucalyptus L'Hér.
species         Eucalyptus leucoxylon F.Muell.