Solitary palm. Trunk to 6 m tall, woody. Crownshaft absent. Leaves stiffly erect to arching, arising in 3 rows, imparting a triangular appearance, the leaf bases chalky white. Leaflets 55-97 each side, narrow, greyish, the lowermost leaflets developed into filamentous reins. Panicle arising among the leaves. Fruit round, about 2 cm across, greyish white. [Neodypsis decaryi Jum.]
Very popular in the tropics but proving to be adaptable in warm temperate regions. Also useful indoors. Rare in nature but well-established in cultivation.
Stiffly erect to arching feathery leaves arising in 3 ranks; chalky white leaf bases; lower leaflets extending as reins.
NSW: Sydney (Royal Botanic Garden Sydney).
Source: (2005). Arecaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.