Trunk solitary, to over 5 m tall. Leaves 1-2 m long, erect to arching in a sparse crown. Leaflets very narrow, clustered and in several ranks, widely spaced, covered with a powdery bloom. Fruit small, black, on fleshy reddish branch. Interesting slender palm ideal for group planting. Needs shade.
C. klotzschiana H.Wendl. from Mexico has a solitary trunk to 3 m long, 5 cm wide. Leaves 1-1.5 m long, arching. Leaflets clustered, bright green, relatively broad, arranged in one rank. Fruit small, black, contrasting with the orange branch. Occurs at high altitude in moist forest. Excellent for group planting.
Source: (2005). Arecaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.