Zephyranthes candida Herb.

Crocus-like plants with bulbs about 2 cm wide. Leaves rush-like, stiff and thick to about 30 cm long, 3-5 mm wide. Flowering stem 15-20 cm long. Spathe about 2.5 cm long, tubular in lower half. Flowers white, often tinted pink outside, 4-5 cm long and without a tube, the lobes spreading; summer to autumn. Style shorter than the stamens. Flower stalk about 1.5 cm long.

Argentina, Uruguay


Zephyranthes 'Ajax' has cream-coloured flowers and is a hybrid (Z. candida × Z. citrina).

Other warmer climate species from the Caribbean region are occasionally grown including: Z. citrina Bak., Z. flavissima Ravenna and Z. grandiflora Lindl.

Source: Ashburner, W.; Ashburner, C.; Spencer, R. (2005). Narcissus. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Distribution map
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Asparagales
family       Amaryllidaceae
genus        Zephyranthes Herb.