Rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 2.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves broadly lanceolate, sheathing, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 4 cm wide; summer.Tepals white to pale-pink, 1 veined. Syn. E. elwesii Micheli.
Afghanistan and W Asia.
E. himalaicus Bak. from Afghanistan and NW Himalayas is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 2.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves strap-shaped, sheathing, margins smooth. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 3.5 cm wide; spring to summer.Tepals white, 1-veined.
E. robustus (Reg.) Reg. from Afghanistan and W Asia is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 3 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves strap-shaped, sheathing, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 3 cm wide; summer.Tepals pink, rarely white, 1-veined.
E. stenophyllus (Boisse. & Buhse) Bak. from Afganistan, Iran, W Pakistan and W Asia is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 1.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves linear, sheathing, smooth to downy, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 2 cm wide; summer. Tepals clear yellow ageing to orange-brown, 1-veined.
E. x isabellinus is one of several names used for hybrids between E. stenophyllus and E. olgae. Numerous named hybrid series and cultivars exist including: 'Pinokkio' Plants to 2 m, flowers orange. SHELFORD HYBRIDS Plants to 1.25 m, flowers orange, pale or copper yellow, pink or white.
Source: (2005). Eremurus. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.