Eremurus aitchisonii Bak.

Rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 2.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves broadly lanceolate, sheathing, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 4 cm wide; summer.Tepals white to pale-pink, 1 veined. Syn. E. elwesii Micheli.

Afghanistan and W Asia.

E. himalaicus Bak. from Afghanistan and NW Himalayas is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 2.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves strap-shaped, sheathing, margins smooth. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 3.5 cm wide; spring to summer.Tepals white, 1-veined.

E. robustus (Reg.) Reg. from Afghanistan and W Asia is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 3 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves strap-shaped, sheathing, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 3 cm wide; summer.Tepals pink, rarely white, 1-veined.

E. stenophyllus (Boisse. & Buhse) Bak. from Afganistan, Iran, W Pakistan and W Asia is a rosette perennial herb with thickened roots from a thick corm. Inflorescence to 1.5 m, flowers in a dense head. Leaves linear, sheathing, smooth to downy, margins rough. Flowers very numerous, spreading, to 2 cm wide; summer. Tepals clear yellow ageing to orange-brown, 1-veined.

E. isabellinus is one of several names used for hybrids between E. stenophyllus and E. olgae. Numerous named hybrid series and cultivars exist including: 'Pinokkio' Plants to 2 m, flowers orange. SHELFORD HYBRIDS Plants to 1.25 m, flowers orange, pale or copper yellow, pink or white.

Source: Conran, J. (2005). Eremurus. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Asparagales
family       Asphodelaceae
genus        Eremurus Bieb.