Stem to 35 cm, usually unbranched. Leaves to 30 cm long. Spike erect with 8-12 flowers. Spathe green with brown tip. Perianth cup-shaped, bright vermilion with faint veins; tube 9-12 mm long; segments equal, 25-30 mm long; spring. Stamens grouped in centre of flower. Syn. T. hyalina (L. f.) Baker.
T. squalida (Aiton) Ker Gawl. from Cape Province has a stem to 40 cm long, usually unbranched. Leaves to 25 cm long. Spike horizontal with 6-10 flowers; late spring. Spathe green with brown tip. Perianth cup-shaped, pale cool pink with darker pink veins; tube 10-15 mm long; segments equal, 30-40 mm long,. Stamens spreading randomly.Available cultivars include: 'Bridesmaid' flowers pure white;'Delicata' flowers white slightly flushed with pink;'Pink Lady' flowers pink; 'Silver Pink' flowers very pale pink.
Source: (2005). Iridaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Tritonia crocata 'Blazing Flame'
Flowers deep orange red.
Tritonia crocata 'Orange Supreme'
Flowers bright orange.
Tritonia crocata 'Prince Of Orange'
Flowers bright orange.