A group of hybrids originally bred from I. pallida and I. variegata, with later contributions from I. trojana and other species; they are the most popular commercial group.The oldest cultivars are diploids with perianth segments to 9 cm long and 6 cm wide; tetraploids and hexaploids were bred later with progressively broader ruffled segments.
There are thousands of named cultivars - the following is a selection:
Source: (2005). Iridaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Yellow standards, brown falls.
White with dark blue veining.
Full, ruffled blush pink with darker orange-shaded throat.
Very dark indigo-violet standards, almost black falls.
Golden yellow self.
Golden copper standards, deep mahogany falls.
Medium blue, shaded and streaked near edges with grey.
Blush pink standards, maroon falls edged in pink.
Pale blue standards, purple falls.
Pure white standards, dark blue falls, orange beards.
Dark violet self.
Deep yellow standards, mahogany red falls.
Cream shading to orange-peach in centre.
Full, ruffled lilac self.
White self with pale yellow beards.