Leaves 1-2 mm wide, emerging before flowers. Perianth goblet-shaped, white to lilac, often purple-striped or -veined externally, throat hairy, white or yellow; segments 2-3 cm long; late winter.Anthers orange. Style branches 3, expanded at tips, orange.
C Mediterranean to Iran.
C. etruscus Parlatore from W Italy has leaves 2-6 mm wide, emerging with flowers, 2-6 mm wide. Perianth pale violet inside, cream to silvery-veined with violet outside, pale yellow centre; segments obovate, obtuse, 3-4 cm long; early spring. Anthers yellow. Style branches 3, orange, expanded at tips. [C. balansae hort. non Mathew] 'Zwanenburg' is a selection with pale violet flowers.
C. imperati Tenore from SW Italy has leaves 1-3 mm wide, emerging with or after flowers. Perianth bowl-shaped, to 7 cm wide, mauve- to white- veined purple; segments ovate, 3-5 cm long, the outer acute, cream-striped or feathered purple on reverse; inner obtuse, rose-purple; spring. Anthers yellow. Style branches 3, deep orange or red, fringed, shorter than stamens.
C. sieberi Gay from Greece has leaves 1-6 mm wide, emerging before flowers. Perianth bowl-shaped, white to mauve with yellow centre; segments 2-4 cm long, obtuse; tube 4-10 cm long, white to mauve; late winter. Anthers yellow. Style branches 3, yellow to red, frilled at the tips. 'Albus' Flowers pure white flowers. 'Violet Queen' Flowers pale violet with orange centre.
Source: (2005). Iridaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.