Chasmanthe floribunda (Salisb.) N.E.Br.

Lions Paw

Stem 1-1.5 m tall, usually with 1-2 branches. Leaves to 6 cm wide, 1.8 m long, bright green. Flower spike with 18-30 flowers arranged in 2 rows. Perianth orange-red, with yellow stripes along tube, or entirely yellow; tube 5-6 cm long, straight, with a shallow pouch near the base; lobes unequal, the upper one 3-3.5 cm long, the side lobes 13-17 mm long; late winter. Syn. Antholyza floribunda Salisb.

S Africa (Cape).

The name C. aethiopica has sometimes been misapplied to this species; true C. aethiopica (L.) N.E. Br. has a one-sided spike of up to 15 flowers, and is rare in cultivation.Yellow flowered plants have been known as var. duckittii L. Bolus or as the cultivar 'Lutea'; their colour is apparently due to one recessive gene.

C. bicolor (Ten.) N.E. Br. with 2-toned yellow and red flowers is occasionally available; it produces prolific seed and has weed potential.

Source: Cooke, D. (2005). Iridaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
Distribution map
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Asparagales
family       Iridaceae
genus        Chasmanthe N.E.Br.