Greek hypo – under, oxys – sharp, possibly a reference to the bitter-tasting roots.
Perennial, rhizomatous herbs. Leaves basal, linear to broadly lance-shaped. Flowers radially symmetrical, stalked, individual flower stalks not articulated. Inflorescence a 1-several-flowered raceme or panicle. Tepals 3+3, several-nerved, free. Stamens 6, free. Ovary inferior, ovoid-elongate. Fruit a capsule. Seeds dark-brown or black.
Generally grown in full sun on well-drained soils.
About 150 species from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia (10 native species).
Rhizomatous plants with branched-hairy aerial parts and inferior ovaries.
Nordal et al. (1985).
Source: (2005). Hypoxidaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.