Tulipa turkestanica Regel.

Perennial herb to about 30 cm; bulb densely hairy inside. Stem hairy. Leaves 2-4, glaucous, hairless, margins flat, ciliate, not red. Inflorescence up to 12 flowered, buds erect. Flowers cup- to star-shaped, unpleasantly scented; late winter to spring.Tepals to 3.5 x 3 cm, white, pink outside, basally yellow or orange; blotch yellow to orange. Stamen filaments hairy, yellow; anthers yellow and purple-tipped or purple to brown; pollen yellow.

Very closely related to T. biflora.

T. aucheriana Baker from Iran, to about 20 cm; bulb with basal and apical hairs inside. Stem hairless. Leaves 2-5, glaucous, hairless, margins flat, not red. Inflorescence usually 1 flowered, bud erect. Flowers star-shaped; late spring.Tepals to 5 x 2 cm, pink, basally yellow; blotch yellow. Stamen filaments hairy, yellow; anthers yellow; pollen yellow.

T. biflora Pall. from Asia Minor to Russia, to about 10 cm; bulb dense hairy inside. Stem hairless. Leaves 2, glaucous, hairless, margins flat, ciliate, not red. Inflorescence usually 1-5 flowered, buds erect. Flowers cup- to star-shaped, scented; late winter to spring. Tepals to 3.5 x 3 cm, white, pink outside, basally yellow; blotch yellow. Stamen filaments hairy, yellow; anthers yellow, dark-tipped; pollen yellow. Syn. T. polychroma Stapf.

T. gesneriana L., Garden Tulip, of uncertain origin, thought to be SW or C Asia, to about 60 cm; bulb smooth inside or very sparse hairy at the apex. Stem hairless to downy. Leaves 2-7, green, hairless, margin ciliate, not red. Inflorescence 1 flowered, bud erect. Flowers cup-shaped opening to star-shaped; spring.Tepals to 8 x 5 cm, tips reflexed, red, orange yellow or purple; blotch dark purple or yellow, sometimes with a white to cream margin. Stamen filaments smooth, yellow or purple; anthers black or yellow; pollen purple or yellow. A highly variable species and parent of many of the commercial hybrid tulips.

T. humilis Herb. from Asia Minor, to about 20 cm; bulb sparsely hairy at the base and apex inside. Stem hairless. Leaves 2-5, basal, glaucous, hairless, margin flat, not red. Inflorescence 1-3 flowered, buds erect. Flowers cup-shaped opening to starshaped; late winter to spring.Tepals to 5 x 2 cm, pink to magenta, basally yellow; blotch yellow, olive or black, often white or yellow-margined. Stamen filaments hairy, yellow; anthers yellow; pollen yellow. Syn. T. pulchella (Regel) Bak. 'Violacea' has flowers deep violet with a yellow centre

T. tarda Stapf., C Asia to about 15 cm; bulb smooth inside or very sparsely hairy at the base and apex. Stem hairless. Leaves 2-7, shiny green, hairless, margin ciliate, not red. Inflorescence 4-15 flowered, buds erect. Flowers star-shaped opening to star-shaped; spring. Tepals to 4 x 2 cm, white or greenish, basally yellow, reddish outside; blotch yellow. Stamen filaments hairy, yellow; anthers yellow; pollen yellow.

C Asia to NW China.

Source: Conran, J. (2005). Liliaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Liliales
family       Liliaceae
genus        Tulipa L.