Perennial clump-forming stoloniferous herb to about 1.2 m; stems few-branched, hairy. Leaves cauline, alternate, ovate-elliptic, stem-clasping, glossy green with darker spots. Inflorescence several-flowered, terminal. Flowers funnel-shaped, erect, tips widely spreading; autumn. Tepals to 3 cm long, pinkish-purple with a yellow nectary zone outside; white with purple spotting inside.
T. hirta (Thunb.) Hook. from Japan is a perennial tufted herb without stolons to about 0.8 m; stems few-branched, very hairy. Leaves cauline, alternate, heartshaped and tapering evenly from the base, stem-clasping, pale, dull green. Inflorescence 1-several-flowered, axillary. Flowers funnel-shaped, erect, tips spreading to recurved; autumn. Tepals to 3 cm long, white with purple or violet spotting. 'Alba' Flowers greenish-white.
Source: (2005). Liliaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.