Angels: Although plants in this group are similar to the miniature regals, they appear to be more closely related to P. crispum, which is a likely hybrid parent. They are bushy plants with thin, woody stems, single flowers and rarely exceed 25 cm tall. Many, known as the Langley-Smith hybrids after their originator, were derived in the 1930s and 40s.
Uniques: Older hybrids whose ancestry is not fully known, although P. fulgidum is probably one parent. All cultivars in this group are scented, but often only mildly - they have thus not been included among the scented-leaf pelargoniums.
Flowers small, single, rose-purple. Upper petals marked with purple.
This is an Angels Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Raised Langley-Smith, UK, 1935.
Flowers single, crimson with dark feathering.
This is a Uniques Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Flowers with the upper petals purple, lower ones mainly white.
This is an Angels Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Raised in France in the 1870s.
Leaves rather pungent-smelling. Flowers dark pink with deeper veins.
This is a Uniques Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Introduced Paton, 1870.
Pelargonium 'Rollison's Unique'
Leaves softly downy, crinkled and with a slight scent. Flowers single, purple with prominent veins. ['Rollisson', 'Rollinson']
This is a Uniques Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Flowers rose-purple, upper petals with pale edges.
This is an Angels Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Raised-Langley Smith, 1940.
Flowers purple, fading, the petals with pale edges.
This is an Angels Hybrid Group Pelargonium.
Leaves 3-lobed, slightly fragrant. Flowers white, suffused with pale pinkish purple.
This is a Uniques Hybrid Group Pelargonium.