A. millefolium × A. 'Taygetea'
Growing to about 50 cm tall, with deep rose flowers. ['Apfelblüte']
A. clypeolata × A. filipendulina
To 1 m tall with dark yellow flower heads.
A hybrid that was raised in 1952 by Miss R.B. Pole, UK, as a self-sown seedling.
A. millefolium × A. 'Taygetea'
Flowers double and white. ['The Beacon']
Flowers dark lavender. ['Fawcett Beauty']
A. millefolium × A. 'Taygetea'
To about 70 cm tall, the flowers yellow. ['Hoffnung']
A. clypeolata ×A. 'Taygetea'
Leaves silvery grey-hairy and the flowers bright yellow. A hybrid raised by Alan Bloom, UK.
Leaves feathery grey; florets lemon yellow.
A. taygetea Boiss. & Heldr. is different from this cultivar and is referable to A. aegyptiaca L.