Small Valerian.
Annual and biennial herbs. Leaves simple, opposite and fleshy. Flower clusters in terminal heads. Flowers bisexual, white, pinkish or blue. Calyx with up to 6 small teeth or absent. Corolla also small, of 5 unequal lobes, shape variable. Stamens (2)3. Ovary inferior, 3-chambered. Stigma with 3 branches. Fruit with only 1 fertile chamber in 3.
Cultivated in Australia as a herb and salad plant.
V. locusta is a weedy plant, the young shoots and leaves being used in salads.
Stamens and stigmas 3.
About 50 species from northern temperate regions to N Africa.
Source: (2002). Valerianaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.