Trachelium L.


Greek trachelos — neck, referring to the use of the plant in the treatment of tracheal ailments.

Erect perennial herbs with woody rootstocks. Leaves alternate, simple. Flowers in flat-topped clusters, occasionally solitary. Calyx and corolla tubular with prominent protruding styles. Fruit capsule splitting towards the base, closed at the tip.

T. caeruleum is used as a perennial border plant and cut flower.

Seed or softwood cuttings.

Flowers small, in dense, flat-topped clusters; fruits closed at the tip. The protruding styles and clustered flowers are reminiscent of Centranthus ruber.

7 species from the Mediterranean.

Source: Spencer, R. (2002). Campanulaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Asteranae
order      Asterales
family       Campanulaceae
Higher taxa
Subordinate taxa
species         Trachelium caeruleum L.