Ree to 12 m tall. Bark smooth, grey. Leaves broad-ovate, 11-30 cm long, 10-28 cm wide, often shallowly 3-5-lobed, pubescent with short unbranched hairs, some glandular and sticky; apex acute. Flowers appear before leaves, in cymes sessile on the flower cluster branches. Calyx lobes usually reflexed, longer than tube. Corolla campanulate, 3.5-5 cm long, violet-blue with darker lines radiating from a golden yellow throat; lobes longer than the tube. Capsule broadly ovoid, about 2.5 cm long.
Taiwan, S. Japan T
Some leaves lobed; blue corolla with lobes longer than the tube.
SPECIMENS SA: Adelaide (Mt Lofty Bot. Garden).
Source: (2002). Paulownia. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Paulownia kawakamii 'Sapphire Dragon'
A selection by Farm Fodder Trees with larger, intense violet-blue flowers.