Cultivars of probable hybrid origin

Origanum 'Barbara Tingey'

Subshrub, stems ascending, purple, hairy (0.6-1 mm long), leaves to 15 mm long and wide, shortly petiolate or sessile, cordate to orbicular, hairy (0.6 mm long), veins conspicuous and raised beneath, thick but succulent rather than leathery, purplish beneath when young. Bracts cordate, 10 mm long and wide, yellow-green, veins not conspicuous. Flowers pink.

Said to be a hybrid between O. calcaratum and O. rotundifolium.

Stems and thick ovate leaves conspicuously covered with simple hairs; bracts large and round.

Origanum 'Buckland'

Subshrub, stems ascending, with 1-2 mm branched hairs. Leaves 1.5 cm long and wide, cordate, shortly petiolate, covered on each surface with 1-2 mm branched hairs. Spikes 2.5 cm long, 2 cm wide. Bracts 10 mm long, 8 mm wide, broadly ovate, yellow-green, flushed pink. Calyx 2-lipped, 8 mm long, tube 4.5 mm, upper lip entire, rounded, lower lip shorter, with 2 triangular lobes 1 mm. Corolla 20 mm long, purple, tube slightly saccate, 16 mm long, lips at right angle to tube. Upper lip notched, lower lip 3-lobed, central lobe largest. Stamens with 1 pair 5 mm long and just protruding, 1 pair 2 mm long and enclosed within the tube. Style 22 mm long.

Probably a hybrid between O. dictamnus and O. amanum with the branched hairs of the former but intermediate in floral characters.

Branched hairs on leaves and stem, long (20 mm long) corolla with lips perpendicular to tube, 2-lipped calyx with upper lip emarginate.

Origanum 'Kent Beauty'

Deciduous subshrub, stems prostrate to ascending, glabrous. Leaves 12 mm long, 10 mm wide, cordate, sessile, apex acute or obtuse, glabrous, glaucous, veins conspicuous, sparsely punctate. Spikes 15-20 mm long,15-20 mm wide, slightly nodding. Bracts 10 mm long and wide, pale green, flushed pink, translucent, cordate, acute, net veining conspicuous. Calyx 6 mm long, unequally 2-lipped. Corolla 15 mm long, magenta, tube 9 mm gradually widening to lips; upper lip entire, lower lip with 3 equal lobes. Stamens with longer pair 10 mm, protruding beyond upper lip, lower pair 3 mm.

Believed to be a hybrid of O. rotundifolium and O. scabrum; intermediate in habit but with the floral characters of the former and lacking the rough leaves of the latter.

Bracts pinker and corolla lips longer than those of O. rotundifolium.

Origanum 'Santa Cruz'

Subshrub, stems flexuose, wiry, brown, sparsely covered with small reflexed hairs. Leaves to 3 cm long, shortly petiolate, ovate, acute, dark green, gland-dotted. Spikes 1-1.5 cm long, held on short branches of the prostrate stem, bracts about 16, 7 mm long, ovate, acute, glabrous, green, becoming pink. Calyx 3.5 mm long, 5-lobed, the 3 upper lobes slightly longer than the 2 lower lobes. Corolla 10 mm long, lilac-pink, the tube 7 mm long, upper lip shortly 2-lobed, lower lip of 3 more or less equal lobes. Stamens 4-7 mm long, protruding.

Similar to O. sipyleum and surprisingly believed to be a hybrid with O. dictamnus. [This putative hybrid has long been known as O. ×hybridinum (or incorrectly O. ×hybridum)]

Floriferous with pink bracts; flowers intermediate in size between the rotundifolium/dictamnus hybrids and the vulgare/laevigatum group. Leaves and bracts hairless.

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Asteranae
order      Lamiales
family       Lamiaceae
genus        Origanum L.