Subshrub to 3 m high, branches erect. Stems 3-angled, up to 3 cm wide, green with cream-green mottling becoming grey with age. Stipular spines 2, regularly spaced on each rib, 1-2 mm long, without accessory prickles. Leaves oblanceolate, 10-50 mm long, 6-25 mm wide, tip blunt to pointed, base tapered, soon shed. Cyathophylls not showy, much reduced.
Origin unknown.
E. lactea Haw., Hatrack Cactus, from India is a subshrub to 3 m high, branches erect. Stems 3 or 4-angled, up to 3 cm wide, green with cream mottling, becoming grey with age. Stipular spines 2, regularly spaced on each rib, 2-3 mm long, without accessory prickles. Leaves rudimentary, soon shed. Cyathophylls not showy, much reduced. The cultivar 'Cristata', a crested form, is sometimes sold. E. grandidens Haw., Naboom, from S Africa is a succulent tree to 6 m high. Stems pale green; main stem cylindrical, up to 20 cm wide, with stem-like ascending branches radiating from sides; side branches more or less (2)3(4)-angled, 30-40 cm long, 1.2-2 cm wide. Stipular spines paired, 0.5-6 mm long. Leaves rudimentary, soon shed. Cyathophylls not showy, much reduced.
Source: (2002). Euphorbiaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Leaves and stems with red suffusion.