Possibly from the Greek akmenos — vigorous.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite, stalked, oil-gland-dotted, and with an intramarginal vein. Flower clusters both terminal and in the upper leaf axils, branched. Flowers 4-5-parted. Sepals and petals rounded to oblong. Ovary with 2 chambers. Fruit succulent or leathery, roundish to compressed, 'wriggly' in section, calyx lobes absent or small, the top of the fruit with a circular calyx scar area.
Grown for the dense evergreen glossy foliage and decorative fruits. The common name is derived from the Aboriginal name for trees in this genus.
15 species from Malaysia and Australia (7 species).
Seed (sown immediately after collection), or cuttings.
Fruit of A. smithii edible and used in preserves.
Fruit with cotyledons 'wriggly' in section; Syzygium fruit not wriggly in section; Waterhousea has a hard, persistent calyx tube at the tip of the fruit.
Hyland (1983).
Source: (2002). Myrtaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.