Shrub to about 1.5 m tall with erect shoots, ridged to smooth. Leaves oval-oblong, mostly 3-10 cm long, margins double-toothed, grey-green below. Flowers pinkish, in flat terminal clusters, the stamens longer than the petals; summer. Fruit with tips spreading.
Japan, Korea, Himalaya.
Source: (2002). Rosaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer'
Shrub with branches angular and ridged, the new growth reddish. Leaves often variegated. Flowers in flat carmine clusters; summer. Raised by Waterer in 1875 in the Knap Hill Nsy as a branch sport of 'Bumalda'. [s. _bumalda 'Anthony Waterer']
Dwarf shrub to about 40 cm tall with leaves to about 2.5 cm long. Flowers deep pink. A Japanese cultivar.
Shrub with branches downy and slightly ridged. Leaves reddish at first. Flower clusters downy, carmine. [s. _bumalda Burv.]
Foliage reddish orange at first, becoming golden in spring, later green in summer, then orange in autumn. Flowers small, carmine. Int. 1972 by f.j. Grootendorst, Boskoop, Holland.
Dense shrub with woolly stems and flower clusters. Leaves to about 1.5 cm long, often less. Flowers lilac-pink; earlier than other cultivars. Origin unknown. ['Nyewoods']