Latin fenestra—window, referring to the window like translucent leaf tips.
Dwarf, Perennial succulents with the stems concealed by the leaves. Leaves finger-like in rosettes, characteristically broader towards the tip where they are flattened and window-like. Flowers solitary, terminal, with long stalks. Sepals 5, free. Petals in 1 row, linear and often with a notch at the tip. Ovary half inferior with 10-16 chambers; ovules with parietal placentation.
The only recognised species is the summer-flowering F. rhopalophylla (Schltr. & Diels) N.E. Br. [F. aurantiaca N.E. Br.]. The subsp. aurantiaca (N. E. Br.) H.E.K. Hartmann has petals yellow to orange and subsp. rhopalophylla has white flowers and shorter leaves.
Seed, leaf cuttings or division.
Finger-like leaves with translucent flattened tips; ovary chambers 10-16.
1 species from coastal S Namibia and S Africa.
Hartmann (1982).
Source: (1997). Aizoaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.