Nymphaea tuberosa Paine

Magnolia Waterlily

Leaves to nearly 40 cm wide, green below, the stalks with longitudinal red-brown stripes. Flowers pure white, magnolia-like, opening in the morning.

Hardy Day Bloomer

E North America

Source: Marshall, N.; Spencer, R. (1997). Nymphaeaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Andreana'

Cup-shaped flowers about 10 cm wide held 15 cm or more above the water, red shaded with yellow ochre. Presumed n. alba var. rubra × n. mexicana hybrid. Marliac, introduced 1895.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Arc-en-ciel'

French name meaning rainbow. Leaves blotched bronze, white, rose and purple. Flowers pale salmon. Marliac, introduced 1901.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Attraction'

Flowers deep red, tipped rose and flecked white. The blooms, in common with some other 'reds' can often be soft pink early in the season. Marliac introduced 1910.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Candidissima'

Flowers pure white, small, early each season but developing to 15-20 cm wide, the leaf lobes tending to overlap. A natural sterile hybrid of n. alba and n. candida.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Chromatella'

The appropriate cultivar name is uncertain and presented in many ways. This is probably Mariac's most famous cultivar-his 'Nymphaea Marliacea chromatella foliis herpatico-marmoratis', normally sold as 'Chromatella' or 'Golden Cup'; it has flowers soft canary yellow to 15 cm wide with broad incurved petals. Sepals pale yellow flushed pink. Stamens golden. Leaves splashed red-brown. Parentage n. alba and/or n. tuberosa × n. mexicana. Marliac, introduced 1887. 'Golden Cup', 'Marliac Yellow', 'Marliacea Chromatella'

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Comanche'

Flowers about 15 cm wide, rose-apricot becoming coppery red, raised above the water, stamens orange. Leaves purplish at first, becoming green speckled with brown. Marliac, introduced 1908.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Conqueror'

Flowers crimson flecked white. Petals incurved. Sepals with white inner surface. Leaves purplish at first. Marliac, introduced 1910.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Darwin'

Flowers striped red and white. Leaves green. Marliac, introduced 1909.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Ellisiana'

Small growing plant with flowers red tinged purple. Stamens numerous, orange. Marliac, introduced 1896.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Escarboucle'

Translated from the French this means 'carbuncle'. The flowers are certainly glowing ruby red, have a spicy fragrance and are about 18 cm wide. Marliac, introduced 1909. ['Aflame']

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Gloire De Temple-sur-lot'

Named after Marliac's home. Up to 100 petals narrow, crowded, incurving, blush pink at first but becoming white giving the impression of waterborne chrysanthemums. Marliac, introduced 1913.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Gloriosa'

Deep currant-red, fragrant. Sepals 5. Stamens orange-red. Marliac, introduced 1896.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Helvola'

Similar to n. tetragona but leaves blotched purplish brown and the flowers sulphur yellow. Marliac, introduced 1879.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Indiana'

Autumnal with flowers opening a delicate orange-red, maturing to copper-red. Marliac, introduced 1912.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'James Brydon'

Flowers peony shaped, magenta, fragrant. Leaves purplish tinted. Dreer, usa, introduced 1900.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Moorei'

Flowers canary yellow about 15 cm wide. Leaves heavily flecked brown-purple. Research indicates this as a deliberate or natural cross of n. alba with n. mexicana at Adelaide Botanic Gardens at a time when Charles Moore was Director of Sydney Botanic Gardens and known to exchange plants with Adelaide and Melbourne Botanic Gardens. A specimen in the Melbourne Herbarium labelled by Guilfoyle as 'Moorei' is dated 3.12.1896 but there is no further information. In 1907 a plant was received by Lord Rothschild's head gardener, James Hudson at Gunersbury House, England and on 20.7.1909 this plant received an Award of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Hudson was a keen collector of Nymphaea. [n. mooreana Guilfoyle]

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Morning Glory'

Flowers 20 cm wide, blush white shading to pink, fragrant. A Marliac classic. Marliac, introduced 1887. ['Marliacea Carnea']

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Newton'

Flowers star-like, up to 20 cm wide, rosy crimson flushed white, sepals white, stamens orange. Marliac, introduced 1914.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Phoebus'

Compact plant with autumnal flowers, yellow, shaded red, becoming copper-red. Stamens orange red. Leaves with brown and purple markings. Marliac, introduced 1909.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Pink Sensation'

Flowers to 20 cm wide, petals oval, rich silvery pink, fragrant. Leaves reddish below. Slocum, usa, introduced 1948.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Rose Arey'

Flowers uniform rose-pink to 20 cm wide with long-pointed incurved petals. Fragrance resembles sweet fruits and crushed almonds. Young leaves deep red, mature leaves tinged red. Probably n. odorata 'Rosea' × n. alba var. rubra hybrid. Fowler, usa, introduced 1913.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Rosen-nymphe'

Flowers to 18 cm wide, pink, fragrant. Junge, Germany. ['Rose Nymph']

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Sunrise'

Probably a natural hybrid of unknown parentage with large, elongated primrose-yellow petals, flower stalks hairy and flowers held well above the water.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Venusta'

Flowers large, clear pink, fragrant, above the water surface. Marliac, introduced 1910.

Nymphaea tuberosa 'Vesuvius'

Flowers dark red with red stamens tipped yellow. Young leaves dark red maturing to green. Marliac, introduced 1906. ['vésuve']

Nymphaea tuberosa 'William Falconer'

Flowers cup-shaped, dark blackish red. Dreer, usa, introduced c. 1899. Named after curator of Botanic Gardens, Cambridge, Massachusetts.