Cymbidium tracyanum L. Castle

Robust epiphyte. Pseudobulbs compressed-cylindrical, to 15 cm long. Leaves several, strap-shaped, to 75 cm long, to 2 cm wide. Flowers 15-20, to 15 cm wide, fragrant; autumn to summer. Sepals and petals oblong, dissimilar, sepals more or less straight, petals narrower and curved, yellowish with darker red or brown stripes. Labellum prominently hairy, pale yellow with purple spots and veins.

China, Burma and Thailand.

C. lowianum (Rchb. f.) Rchb. f. from China, Burma and Thailand is a robust epiphyte with long erect or arching many flowered racemes of large flowers (to 10 cm wide) that are mostly greenish in colour with a prominent red V-shaped blotch on labellum tip.

Source: Jeanes, J. (2005). Orchidaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press. (as Cymbidium traceyanum)

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Asparagales
family       Orchidaceae
genus        Cymbidium Sw.