From the African Amharic name anset.
Tree-like perennial herbs flowering once and then dying (monocarpic), non-suckering but with a swollen base. Leaf sheaths generally spreading and not surrounding the whole stem. Leaves large, paddle-shaped. Flower clusters pendulous. Flowers numerous per bract, the upper lip deeply lobed and the free segment 3-pointed, bracts persistent. Fruits containing seeds mostly more than 1 cm wide.
Only 1 species is commonly cultivated and superficially very similar to the banana. The fruit is, however, dry and inedible.
Non-suckering banana-like plants with paddle-shaped leaves; leaf stalk not evident between the blade and the sheath.
6 species from tropical Africa and Asia.
Cheesman (1947), Baker & Simmonds (1953), Moore (1957).
Source: (2005). Musaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.