Greek a – without, stele – a trunk or pillar, referring to some species lacking erect stems.
Perennial, stout, sometimes tree-like or epiphytic shrub-like herbs. Leaves perennial in a rosette, sheathing, linear, silvery. Flowers, uni- or rarely bisexual, star-shaped and stalked but without articulation.Tepals 3+3, equal, free. Stamens 3+3, equal, free. Fruit a berry. Seeds ovoid black.
Generally grown as cool garden ornamentals in shade on moist or peaty soils.
About 25 species from Australia, New Zealand, S America and the Pacific.
Rosette leaves from thick rhizomes; panicles of densely packed unisexual flowers.
Source: (2005). Asteliaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.