Fritillaria imperialis L.

Crown Imperial

Perennial herb to about 1.5 m; bulb strongly musk-scented; bulblets absent. Leaves cauline in whorls of 4-8, narrowly ovate. Inflorescence a 3-5 flowered umbel; bracts 10-20 in a head, straight. Flowers broadly bell-shaped, nodding; spring. Tepals to 55 mm long, red, orange or yellow. Nectary large, circular, white, basal. Style papillose apically; stigma lobed. Fruit winged.

F. assyriaca Bak. from Turkey is a perennial herb to about 35 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves cauline, alternate, linear. Inflorescence 1-4 flowered; bracts solitary, straight. Flowers narrowly bell-shaped, nodding; spring. Tepals to 25 mm long, greyish-purple outside, green-yellow inside, not tessellated. Nectary small, narrowly ovate, green, basal. Style smooth; stigma undivided. Fruit not winged.

F. biflora Lindl., Chocolate Lily (Black Fritillary) from California is a perennial herb to about 40 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves mostly in a basal whorl, cauline leaves alternate, narrowly ovate. Inflorescence 1-6 flowered; bracts solitary, straight. Flowers bell-shaped, nodding; spring.Tepals to 35 mm long, dark blackish-brown to purple, not tessellated and with internal raised lines. Nectary inconspicuous, linear, basal. Style smooth; stigma lobed. Fruit 6-angled, not winged.

F. conica Boiss. from S Greece is a perennial herb to about 25 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves cauline, lower opposite, upper alternate, ovate. Inflorescence 1-8 flowered; bracts solitary, straight. Flowers broadly bell-shaped, spreading; spring. Tepals to 30 mm long, dark blackish-brown to purple, not tessellated and with internal raised lines. Nectary inconspicuous, oblong, basal. Style smooth; stigma lobed. Fruit not winged.

F. ehrhartii Boiss. & amp;Orph. from the Greek Isles is a perennial herb to about 20 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves cauline, lowest opposite, alternate above, ovate. Inflorescence 1-2 flowered; bracts in whorls of 3, straight. Flowers narrowly bell-shaped, nodding; spring.Tepals to 27 mm long, purple with yellow tips; not tessellated. Nectary small, green, narrowly ovoid at the base. Style smooth; stigma undivided. Fruit not winged.

F. liliacea Lindl.,White Fritillary, from California is a perennial herb to about 35 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves basal and cauline, lowest opposite, alternate above, ovate. Inflorescence 2-4 flowered; bracts alternate, straight. Flowers open bellshaped, nodding; spring.Tepals to 25 mm long, white with a green to yellow throat, not tessellated. Nectary small, oblong, green, sometimes purple spotted, basal. Style smooth; stigma lobed. Fruit angled, not winged.

F. pudica (Pursh) Spreng.,Yellow Fritillary, from western N America is a perennial herb to about 30 cm; bulblets present. Leaves cauline, lowest opposite, alternate above, linear. Inflorescence 1-2 flowered; bracts single, straight. Flowers narrowly bell-shaped, nodding; spring.Tepals to 25 mm long, yellow to orange-yellow, not tessellated. Nectary small, round, green, basal. Style smooth; stigma undivided. Fruit not winged.

F. tuntasia Heldr. from the Greek Isles is a perennial herb to about 35 cm; bulblets absent. Leaves cauline, alternate, broadly linear. Inflorescence 1-6 flowered; bracts single, straight. Flowers conical to bell-shaped, spreading to nodding; spring. Tepals to 25 mm long, waxy blackish-purple, not tessellated. Nectary large, linear, greenish, basal. Style smooth; stigma lobed. Fruit not winged.

F. uva-vulpis Rix from Asia Minor is a perennial herb to about 35 cm; bulblets present. Leaves cauline, alternate, ovate. Inflorescence 1-2 flowered; bracts single, straight. Flowers rounded to bell-shaped, nodding; spring. Tepals to 28 mm long, greyish-purple outside, yellowish-purple inside, not tessellated. Nectary large, ovate, greenish, basal. Style papillose; stigma undivided. Fruit not winged.

Asia Minor to N India.

Source: Conran, J. (2005). Liliaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
Distribution map

Fritillaria imperialis 'Argenteovariegata'

Leaves white-margined, flowers rusty orange.

Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea Maxima'

Plants tall with large, clear yellow flowers.

Fritillaria imperialis 'Rubra Maxima'

Plants tall with large reddish-orange flowers.

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     Lilianae
order      Liliales
family       Liliaceae
genus        Fritillaria L.