Named for G.C. Shelhammer (1649–1716) a German botanist.
Perennial rhizomatous herbs with small, distant root tubers. Leaves several along erect or prostrate, simple or branched stems. Flowers star-shaped, erect, spreading, radially symmetrical, stalked, stalks not articulated. Inflorescence 1- to several-flowered, terminal or axillary. Tepals 3+3, free, basally clawed. Stamens 3+3, free. Styles 3, basally fused. Fruit a capsule. Seeds arillate, brown to yellow.
Grown for the attractive form and flowers.
2 species from moist forests in E Australia and New Guinea.
Erect shoots from short rhizome; mostly terminal flowers; glandless, clawed tepals.
Source: (2005). Colchicaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 5. Flowering plants. Monocotyledons. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.