Osteospermum barberiae (Harv.) Norl.

Perennial herb to 50 cm tall, rhizomatous, glandular-hairy. Stems decumbent, erect or ascending, branched from base. Leaves lanceolate to spathulate, to 15 cm long, to 2 cm wide, margins sparsely toothed, decreasing in size up the stem. Capitula solitary, to 6 cm across; autumn to early spring. Ray florets reddish above and light orange-brown below. Disk florets yellow or deep purple. Achenes about 7 mm long, 3-angled. [Dimorphotheca barberiae Harv.]

South Africa

Source: Lawson, L.; Spencer, R. (2002). Dahlia. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Osteospermum barberiae 'Compactum'

To 10 cm tall, the ray petals dark pink, deep purple below.