Greek strobilos — cone, anthos — flower, referring to the cone-like young flower clusters.
Herbs or subshrubs. Leaves opposite and sometimes of different sizes. Flowers solitary or in spikes, generally cone-like and sometimes branched. Calyx with equal lobes or 2-lipped,1 lip shallowly toothed. Petal tube with a swelling, with 5 unequal lobes. Stamens 4, of 2 unequal pairs. Fruit an oblong to linear capsule containing 4 seeds. [Goldfussia Nees]
Generally grown as indoor plants for the attractive ornamental flowers and leaves. Species with uses ranging from borders to bedding and as house plants.
Cuttings and seed.
Some species are a source of blue or purplish dyes.
Bracts and flowers small.
About 250 species from tropical Asia.
Source: (2002). Acanthaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.