Commemorating the Derwent River, Tas, where the first known species of this genus was discovered.
Shrubs or woody herbs, often short-lived. Leaves opposite, stalkless or with short, broad stalks, toothed, entire or cut. Flower clusters lateral with numerous flowers. Calyx 4-lobed. Corolla with a short tube and 4 lobes, white, lavender, blue or pink. Stamens 2, fused to the petals. Fruit capsule usually flattened.
Seed and cuttings.
Differs from Parahebe in having a throat with a dense ring of hairs, stamens not spreading and flower clusters of mostly more than 20 flowers.
8 species endemic to SE Australia, mostly tablelands and cool-temperate regions.
Briggs & Ehrendorfer (1992).
Source: (2002). Scrophulariaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 4. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 3. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.