Prostrate to climbing subshrub. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 2-10 cm long, to 6 cm wide. Flower clusters of 2-40 flowers. Corolla purple or white. Standard to about 8 mm long with a yellowish central spot; spring to early summer. Fruit pod linear to oblong, 2-4.5 cm long. Syn. H. monophylla (Vent.) Benth.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic.
A 'BUSHY BLUE' A bushy form with blue flowers possibly originating in the Coonabarabran region of NSW. Seed was sent to California where, after selection, plants were returned to Qld. Released Australia c.1994, first sold in the USA1993. PVJ 8(3)52.
A 'FREE 'N EASY' A sport of 'Happy Wanderer' with white flowers suffused with lavender pink. Int. Bill Molyneux,Austraflora Nsy, c.1993. PVJ 7(2)29.Happy Duo is the name given to 'Happy Wanderer' and 'Free 'n Easy' combined in the same pot.
A'MINI HA-HA' Bushy, dense plant with dark mauve flowers. A chance seedling on property of Mr A.B.Wilkie, Springvale, Vic. PBR 90-050. Int. Tree Planters' Nsy in 1990. PVJ 4(1)4.
A 'PURPLE FALLS' Originated from a batch of seed sown in July 1989 followed by selection of the compact, prostrate and floriferous variants. PVJ 6(4)52.
Source: (2002). Fabaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
White Coral Pea. Flowers white. Recorded pre-1950.
Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer'
A vigorous form with prolific and large clusters of purple flowers. Registered by the opcaa in 1981.
, Pink Coral Pea. Flowers pink. Recorded pre-1950 and marketed by Austraflora Nsy as 'Austraflora Aspiration'. [f. rosea Stearn] Other cultivars listed include 'Blushing Princess', 'Danielle', 'Jane Prowse', 'Redlands' and 'Winter White'.