×Graptoveria Gossot.

Intergeneric hybrids between species of Echeveria and Graptopetalum. Shrubby or stemless evergreen perennials with compact or loose rosettes. Leaves alternate, fleshy, entire, lanceolate to obovate or spathulate, acute or mucronate, often awn-tipped, not deciduous. Flowers in lateral clusters. Sepals and petals 5, petals basally fused, yellow to pinkish, often red-spotted. Corolla more or less urn-shaped. Stamens 10.

Garden Origin.

Cuttings and detached leaves.

Leaves alternate, often tapering to a long awn; flowers 5-parted, petals basally fused, more or less erect, often red-spotted.

G. 'Silver Star' (Echeveria agavoides Lemaire × Graptopetalum filiferum (S.Watson) Whitehead) Densely clump-forming with compact, almost stemless rosettes 6-10 cm wide. Leaves lanceolate, very fleshy, silvery green, 4-5 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, each tapering to a long purplish awn tip of 9-11mm. Flowers on slender lateral inflorescences, the flowers intermediate between those of the parents.

Source: Stajsic, V.; Spencer, R.; Forster, P.; Thompson, A. (2002). Crassulaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Magnoliopsida
superorder     [Saxifraganae]
order      Saxifragales
family       Crassulaceae