Commemorating Andreas Sparrmann, Swedish naturalist, who accompanied Cook on his second voyage of discovery round the world.
More or less hairy shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple or palmately 3-7 lobed and toothed. Flowers in long-stalked axillary or subterminal clusters. Sepals 4, soon shed. Petals 4. Stamens numerous, outer ones sometimes sterile and beaded. Fruit a spiny 4-5 chambered capsule with numerous seeds.
The spelling of the generic name Sparrmannia has been conserved over the spelling Sparmannia.
Soft, palmate leaves; flowers white in stalked clusters; outer stamens sterile.
7 species from Africa and Madagascar.
Codd & Nicholas (1989), Brummitt (1993).
Source: (1997). Tiliaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.