A widespreading deciduous tree. Bark grey and smooth. Young shoots are said to be slightly hairy and the cup to cover up to one quarter of the acorn but this is variable in SE Australian trees. Buds pointed and shortly hairy towards the tip. Leaves 10-22 cm long (but generally more than 15 cm long) with a dull upper surface and shallow lobing (less than half way to midrib), the longest lobes not as long as the width of the narrowest part of the leaf and the lobes tapering gradually to the tips and with a tapering leaf base; autumn colouring dull red to yellow. Acorns 1.5-2.5 cm long (sometimes foreshortened) with cup hairy inside, variable amount of acorn enclosed. [Q. borealis Michx.]
E North America
Timber and contruction.
Similar to Q. palustris but with larger leaves (mostly more than 15 cm long), dull surfaced and with shallower lobes that taper evenly towards their tips.
NSW: Berrima (Park); Blackheath (Great Western Highway); Bowral (street tree near station); Jenolan (Caves); Leura ('Everglades'); Mt Tomah (Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah); Orange (Robertson Gardens). VIC: Ballarat (Ballarat Botanical Gardens); Beechworth; Bright (scattered in main avenue); Dandenongs ('Pirianda' about 5 m in 1984); Melbourne (Kings Domain, below Shrine of Remembrance); Emerald Lake Park (by car park in southwest); Kallista (Old Williams Nursery site also as street trees); Leongatha (Mossvale Park); Maroondah (Maroondah Reservoir Park, opposite pavilion on slopes, about 10 m tall 1990); Mt Macedon (foot of Mount). TAS: Hobart (St David's Park); Launceston (City Park); Longford (Anglican Church planted c. 1925).
Source: (1997). Fagaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Yellow-leaved, changing from red to yellow in autumn.