Tree to 30 m or so tall. Bark shaggy, in thickish plates. Leaflets 5, elliptic-lanceolate each 10-15 cm long, downy below, tapered to a point, margins fringed with hairs; rich yellow in autumn. Flowers in spring. Fruits round, 3-6 cm long with a thick shell splitting to the base and containing a 4-sided white nut.
E & C North America
Grown commercially both for the timber and for the edible nuts.
Leaves with a fringed margin.
ACT: ANU (University House c. 15 m in 1991). VIC: Bulleen (Heide Gardens and Sculpture Park).
C. glabra (Mill.) Sweet, Pignut Hickory, is occasionally available; it has leaf stalk, main leaf stem and lower surface of mature leaflets hairless; it also differs from the Shagbark Hickory in having buds less than 1.2 cm long and nuts that do not split to the base at maturity.
Source: (1997). Juglandaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.