Herb to 1 m or so tall, slightly hairy. Leaves deeply lobed, waxy blue below, leaflets 5-7, the terminal one 3-lobed. Flowers 2-6, bright yellow, 1-1.5 cm wide. Sepals 2, lateral. Petals 4 (consisting of 2 inner and a lower one, the upper one being spurred). Fruit a cylindrical capsule splitting from the base upwards into 2 valves.
Europe and W Asia
Occasionally supplied by herb nurseries and once grown for its medicinal properties but has the potential to become weedy. The sap is a skin irritant.
Source: (1997). Papaveraceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.
Chelidonium majus 'Flore Pleno'
Flowers double. Originated 1771.